Download Xampp for Mac Os X 1.7.3

Setting upward XAMPP: General Notes

Setting upwardly XAMPP is non terribly difficult or time-consuming. Information technology lets you examination your website at a special URL, http://localhost/, that makes it possible to utilize root-relative paths, run PHP scripts, and do other kinds of things your live website will do.

Windows instructions immediately follow; Mac users can bound right to the OS X instructions.

XAMPP Setup: Windows

These steps have been tested with XAMPP version 1.7.4 on a USB drive on Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows vii. Please contact the author if you run into any problems so that these instructions can be improved, if necessary.

  1. Download either the Nil or the 7zip archive of XAMPP for Windows from the XAMPP site; do non download the installer. The 7zip annal is smaller, so it downloads faster; only it may have longer to unzip, up to ten or 15 minutes, depending on the speed of your computer.
  2. Unzip the Nada or 7zip archive; if yous don't have an unzipping utility, try 7-Aught.
  3. Copy the unzipped xampp binder to the root of your USB drive (in other words, don't identify it inside of another binder). If your unzipping plan has created a binder that has xampp inside of it (e.thousand., some unzipping programs will create a binder like xampp-win32-i.7.4-VC6/), move simply the xampp folder to the root of your bulldoze. Depending on the speed of your USB bulldoze, that, as well, make take a little while, too (fifteen or 20 minutes).

    Screenshot showing xampp folder in the root of a USB drive

    Windows XP screenshot of the xampp folder in its proper place: in the root of a USB drive (in this case, the USB drive'south letter is F:).

  4. Load XAMPP by double-clicking on the xampp binder and finding and then double-clicking the xampp-command.exe file. (If yous don't see the .exe extension, the file will yet work—just you should Google for show file extensions and the name of your operating system (Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP; meet pages 45-47 in the book).
  5. Get-go the Apache web server past clicking the Commencement push button on the XAMPP Command Console. Windows Vista and Windows 7 users may get a warning about Windows Firewall; click Cancel on any firewall alarm windows that pop upwards.

    Screenshot showing the XAMPP control panel and Apache running

    Windows XP screenshot of the XAMPP Control Panel with the Apache web server running.

  6. Test that XAMPP is running properly by going to the URL http://localhost/ in your browser (blazon the whole affair, including the http:// office; detect in that location's no www. or .com). You should see the XAMPP welcome screen if all is working correctly.

    Screenshot showing the XAMPP splash screen

    Windows XP screenshot of the XAMPP splash screen in Firefox.

  7. Some users may get an mistake from XAMPP that states another service is using Port 80 (Skype, for example, is known to use that port.) If everything is working for yous, skip to the next step. If you get an error like that, utilise your text editor (like Notepad++) to open the httpd.conf file. Go to the xampp folder, then into the apache binder, and finally into the conf folder, where you lot volition detect the the httpd.conf file. Locate the line in the file that reads Mind 80 using the Find role in your text editor. Around line 37, you will find a block of text that looks similar:
    # # Listen: Allows you lot to demark Apache to specific IP addresses and/or # ports, instead of the default. Encounter also the <VirtualHost> # directive. # # Alter this to Heed on specific IP addresses equally shown below to  # prevent Apache from glomming onto all jump IP addresses. # #Listen #Listen [::]:80 Listen 80            
    Comment out the line that reads Listen fourscore past putting a hash (#) in forepart of it; beneath that line, write your own line that reads Listen 8000. This function of your file will now wait like:
    # # Listen: Allows you lot to bind Apache to specific IP addresses and/or # ports, instead of the default. Come across besides the <VirtualHost> # directive. # # Change this to Listen on specific IP addresses as shown below to  # foreclose Apache from glomming onto all spring IP addresses. # #Listen #Listen [::]:fourscore #Mind 80              Mind 8000            
    Outset or stop and start Apache from the XAMPP Command Panel. Betoken your browser to http://localhost:8000/, and you lot should see the XAMPP welcome screen. Recall to utilize http://localhost:8000/ instead of http://localhost/ when you're developing your site.
  8. To develop your own site, you'll want to rename the existing htdocs folder within of the xampp folder to htdocs-original. (Y'all tin can rename it dorsum if you demand, for example, to configure the MySQL database for use with WordPress evolution.) Then create your ain new htdocs folder for your site, or download, unzip, and copy over the htdocs binder from the Rapid Prototyping Kit and get to work on your site. (You might want to finish and restart Apache in the XAMPP Control Panel earlier you get-go working.)

XAMPP Setup: Mac OS X

Unfortunately, the OS 10 version of XAMPP volition non run on a USB drive; you must have administrative rights on whatsoever Mac that you wish to install and run XAMPP on. These instructions have been tested on Os X Leopard and OS X Snow Leopard using XAMPP version Please contact the author if you run into whatsoever problems so that these instructions can be improved, if necessary.

  1. Download XAMPP for Mac Os X (Universal Binary) from the XAMPP site. Double-click the installer, and drag the XAMPP folder to your Applications binder. (You may have to enter your adminstrative username and/or password).
  2. Find the XAMPP Command application, which will be in an XAMPP binder within of your Applications folder. Double-click the XAMPP Control application to launch.
  3. A fiddling Control window will pop up; click the Beginning button next to Apache. You lot will be prompted to enter your authoritative username and/or password.

    Screenshot Mac OS X XAMPP Control window

    Mac OS X screenshot of the XAMPP Control window, with Apache running.

  4. Open your browser to http://localhost/; yous should come across the XAMPP splash folio. If yous are getting an error about another service using Port 80, see the end of this certificate.
  5. Now things get a little complex. The Applications folder on a Mac is a restricted area of sorts, so it's important to configure XAMPP to read from an htdocs binder than you tin can write to from your user account hands.
  6. Go to your home binder in a Finder window; Wait for the little house icon with your username side by side to it, and click on it.
  7. In the Finder window, create a new htdocs folder (File > New Binder from the Finder carte du jour). Or, download and unzip the Rapid Prototyping Kit (RPK) and copy its htdocs folder to your home folder.
  8. In your favorite text editor (similar TextWrangler), create a new text file and put a petty line of text in it, similar:
    Hello in that location! This is just to test XAMPP.
    Save the file as hello.txt, inside of the htdocs folder you created or moved over from the RPK. The hello.txt will be for testing your new XAMPP configuration.
  9. Now utilize your text editor to open the XAMPP httpd.conf file. This contains the Apache Web server configuration that XAMPP uses. Go to the Applications binder, then XAMPP, then etc; you'll see httpd.conf listed there. Open it.
  10. Once you've opened the httpd.conf file, you lot should immediately make a copy of it, just in instance you brand a mistake. Choose File > Save Every bit... in your editor, and salve the file every bit httpd.conf.original. Yous volition probably exist prompted for your administrative username and countersign.
  11. Then, choose File > Save As... again and salve as httpd.conf, so that you lot're back to editing the httpd.conf that XAMPP reads (and non the httpd.conf.original file that you can use in an emergency).
  12. Now to edit the httpd.conf file. Use the Find function in TextWrangler (Search > Find...) and search for the text DocumentRoot (ane give-and-take, no infinite). TextWrangler should take you to effectually line 174 of the httpd.conf file, where y'all will see:
    # # DocumentRoot: The directory out of which you will serve your # documents. Past default, all requests are taken from this directory, simply # symbolic links and aliases may be used to point to other locations. # DocumentRoot "/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs"  #
  13. Comment out the DocumentRoot line that's there past putting a hash (#) in front of it. Then, on the line below the one yous comment out, write a new DocumentRoot line, replacing yourusername as in the case below with your real username on your Mac. The DocumentRoot part of your file should now look like this:
    # DocumentRoot: The directory out of which you volition serve your # documents. By default, all requests are taken from this directory, but # symbolic links and aliases may be used to betoken to other locations. # # DocumentRoot "/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs" DocumentRoot "/Users/yourusername/htdocs"  #
  14. Adjacent, whorl down a piddling further (about 30 lines) in the httpd.conf, where you will meet:
    # # This should be changed to whatever you lot ready DocumentRoot to. # <Directory "/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs">     #     # Possible values for the Options directive are "None", "All",     # or whatever combination of:     #   Indexes Includes FollowSymLinks SymLinksifOwnerMatch ExecCGI MultiViews     #     # Notation that "MultiViews" must be named *explicitly* --- "Options All"     # doesn't give information technology to you.     #            
  15. As y'all did with the DocumentRoot line, you'll comment out the <Directory ... line by inserting a hash (#) in front of it. Start a new line below it, following the pattern of the line you commented out, and write the same path you did in the DocumentRoot line above. This function of your file should now wait similar:
    # # This should exist changed to whatever you set up DocumentRoot to. # # <Directory "/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs"> <Directory "/Users/yourusername/htdocs">     #     # Possible values for the Options directive are "None", "All",     # or any combination of:     #   Indexes Includes FollowSymLinks SymLinksifOwnerMatch ExecCGI MultiViews     #     # Note that "MultiViews" must be named *explicitly* --- "Options All"     # doesn't give information technology to you.     #            
  16. Salve the file as httpd.conf; y'all might have to enter your authoritative username and password over again.
  17. Now the moment of truth: if you left XAMPP running, finish and then start it again from the XAMPP Control window. Point your browser to http://localhost/hi.txt, the text file you created; you should encounter your simple "Hello there! This is only to examination XAMPP." message. If y'all do, get ahead and delete the hello.txt file. You are now ready to beginning building your site, and testing information technology on a local web server.

Some users may get an error from XAMPP that states another service is using Port eighty (Skype, for instance, is known to use that port.) If y'all get an fault like that, open up the httpd.conf file, and search for Heed 80 using the find function. Around line 30, you volition notice a block of text that looks like:

# # Listen: Allows yous to bind Apache to specific IP addresses and/or # ports, instead of the default. Come across also the <VirtualHost> # directive. # # Change this to Mind on specific IP addresses as shown below to  # prevent Apache from glomming onto all bound IP addresses. # #Heed Listen 80        

Comment out the line that reads Heed 80 past putting a hash (#) in front of it; below that line, write your own line that reads Listen 8000. This part of your file will now wait like:

# # Mind: Allows yous to bind Apache to specific IP addresses and/or # ports, instead of the default. Meet also the <VirtualHost> # directive. # # Change this to Listen on specific IP addresses as shown below to  # prevent Apache from glomming onto all bound IP addresses. # #Mind #Listen 80          Listen 8000        

Start or cease and showtime XAMPP from its picayune Control window. Point your browser to http://localhost:8000/hi.txt, and you should see your see your unproblematic "Hullo there! This is just to exam XAMPP." message. If you exercise, go ahead and delete the hello.txt file. Recall to apply http://localhost:8000/ instead of http://localhost/ when you're developing your site.

Download Xampp for Mac Os X 1.7.3

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